Laboratory for the Study of
the Well-being of Families and Couples
About the Lab
Welcome to the website of the Laboratory for the Study of the Well-being of Families and Couples at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQÀM), directed by psychologist and professor Alison Paradis, Ph.D. Our Laboratory's mission is to help couples and families develop and maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. In addition to identifying factors that promote the well-being and functioning of families and couples, our work aims to better understand the context in which disagreements and conflicts arise and how they are resolved.
Discover our projects!
You and me, day by day
Recruitment for the "You and Me, Day by Day" project is ongoing.
For more information,
click here!
Project on Parental Couples
Participants for this project are recruited all over the province of Québec in collaboration with the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP).
For more information,
click here!
Completed projects
To view the results of our previous studies,
click here!
For our infographics and videos,
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For our scientific papers and conference presentations,
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