Resources for parents

Do you have questions? These resources may be helpful for you.

  • Social and community resources

    • By phone (8AM to 6PM, 7 days)

      • East and North of Québec:
        211 or 1 877 211-9933

      • West of Québec:
        211 ou 1 844 387-3598

    • By chat
      (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday & Sunday 8am to 3h30pm)

    Info-Social or Info-Santé

    Info-Santé/Info-Social 811 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service. Dialling 811 promptly puts you in touch with a nurse for a non-urgent health problem, or with a social worker for psychosocial difficulties.

    • 24h/24, 7 days

    • Info-Santé (Phone):
      811 (choose option 1)

    • Info-Social (Phone):
      811 (choose option 2)


    Service provided by specialists in the parent-child relationship

    Première ressource

    An anonymous and free professional consultation program about education and the parent-child relationship.

    Children Now

    This organism offers legal information, a data bank of community resources, information sessions and a helpline to people living with family problems.

    Le Réseau pour un Québec Famille

    Le Réseau pour un Québec Famille is a nonprofit organisation that regroups national resources for families in Québec. Their website allows you to find your region’s Family Center.

    Institut National de la Santé Publique du Québec

    List with links towards associations, organisms, and support group that can help parents in Québec (food banks, resources for young children, support for perinatal loss, etc.)


    Website listing relevant resources for parents of handicapped children.

    Écoute Entraide

    Community service offering support for emotional suffering.

    • 8am to 10pm, 7 days


    • Montréal: 514 278-2130

    • Toll-free: 1 855 365-4463

  • S.O.S Violence conjugale

    S.O.S. Violence Conjugale’s mission is to contribute to the safety of domestic violence victims’, as well as reducing domestic violence and its consequences by supporting victims and everyone else affected. You can communicate with S.O.S Violence Conjugale to be directed towards a shelter in your region.

    • 24h/7


    • Phone: 1 800 363-9010

    • Text: 438-601-1211

    • Teletypewriter (TTY) for hearing-and speech-impaired clients: 1 800 363-9010

    • Email:

    Suicide Action Montréal

    The Suicide Action Montréal helpline offers support for people at risk of suicide and people grieving.

    Le Deuil helpline

    People going through the loss of a loved one can receive support and references with this helpline.

    • 10am to 10pm, 7 days

    • Service téléphonique :
      1 888 LE DEUIL (1 888 533 3845)

    The Kangourou House

    The Kangourou House offers support and references to resources in your region. The organization’s mission is to offer emergency services to the children of parents going through temporary problems.

  • Becoming a parent – Gouvernement du Québec

    Guide of the government programs and services offered to new or future parents.

    The Baby - Gouvernement du Québec (INSPQ)

    Informative guide about the characteristics of newborns, the ways to communicate, sleep, and child development.

    Caring for kids

    Information for parents from Canada's paediatricians about children and teenagers’ well-being and health.

    ÉducoFamille (content is in French)

    Articles and science-based resources for parents and families.